Embark on the adventure of Funny Mad Racing. Your mission is to conquer the obstacle-filled tracks to complete the level. Be ready to overcome all the dangers!
There are many different cars for players to enjoy as they navigate through 40 thrilling levels. Collect coins to win prizes that require skillful navigation through each stage. Additional features can be unlocked to enhance your driving experience. Remember that you have the option to play alone or with a friend for more excitement!
Exciting game modes
Choosing between single-player or two-player mode is the first step to starting Funny Mad Racing. As you play through more challenging levels, players will complete missions in single-player mode. To reach the finish line, you must keep your car from going off the track or flipping over. In two-player mode, you must be the first to reach the finish line to unlock the next level.
Tips and Tricks
Controlling your vehicle is very important, especially on slopes. Access exciting new features by collecting coins. Cooperate with your teammates to overcome challenging parts of every level!
How To Play
- [↑] or [W]: go straight and accelerate.
- [↓] or [S]: slow down and go backwards.
- [←] or [A]: lean back.
- [→] or [D]: lean forward.